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15 Quotes by Steve jobs will leave you inspired

Steve Jobs/ lifehack Steve Jobs is known as a great innovator. The former CEO of Apple was a leader and a legend. And he had much to say. He had th…

The Organized mind

What’s in it for me? Learn to organize your life! Picture the brain as a house. Not a nice clean new house, but a creaky old house that’s bee…

The checklist manifesto

Progress in human understanding has become increasingly complex and overwhelming. Imagine being treated for a heart attack in the 1950s. Medi…

The 12 week year

What’s in it for me? Learn how to radically improve your productivity. As Thomas Edison once said, “If we did the things we are capable of do…

5 Second rule

What’s in it for me?  Unlock your potential in five seconds. The 5 Second Rule (2017) explains through concrete examples why so many people p…

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