

Welcome to Brightopedia Team:

We're always looking for new features to add here. The following jobs are permanent on an individual basis with good pay. If you are confident in your abilities, you must apply here!

English Content Writer: 

Some of our online projects require an English content writer. The candidate must know how to organize, edit, edit and manage content and publish content on the assigned website. Also able to develop, plan and deliver high-quality original content including articles, blogs, descriptions, special events, etc. that will engage visitors and drive traffic.

Job Description:

  • Basic knowledge of data entry procedures. 

  • Regularly update company website data. 

  • Must be excellent in English content

You can send your updated CV to if you meet our requirements with the Subject: "Content Writer - English"

Completely online job

Senior Editor (Web): 

We are seeking an experienced and enthusiastic individual for the position of Senior Editor with the following requirements. 

Job Description: 

The Senior Web Editor will be responsible for organizing, editing, proofreading, and managing the publication of all web content to the assigned sites. 

Also develop, plan and deliver highly effective and timely original content including feature articles, blogs, contests, special events, etc. that engage visitors and drive traffic.

Ideal Requirements: 

  • 3-5 years of work experience in infotainment magazines or relevant publications Transcribe, edit, and proofread any form of English or Urdu data with high speed and accuracy, online research, and story editing. 

  • BA in Communications or Journalism Expert in English and Urdu writing on in-page software Electronic/Web publishing experience Exceptional written communication skills. 

  • Strong ability to express thoughts clearly and effectively verbally and in writing.

You can send your updated CV to if you meet our requirements with the

Subject: "Web Editor".

Remote job But Stable connectivity during Working hours are compulsory.

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